Quality policy
The overriding goal of Bio Cosmetic Sweden Sp. z o. o. is to meet the needs and expectations of customers and to ensure
the highest level of quality in the design and production of cosmetics.
Our company makes every effort to meet the expectations of customers and for this purpose:
- always provides services at a fixed, stable level of quality,
- complies with the terms of the contract and the execution of deliveries,
- complies with applicable laws and other requirements.
We achieve our goals through:
- analysis of internal and external factors affecting the functioning of the company,
- maintaining a high level of quality of work and services, which is the main goal of all employees at all organizational levels,
- involvement of all employees who are systematically trained in the requirements resulting from the use of the quality assurance system in the company,
- raising employees' awareness of quality and their role in shaping it and their responsibility in this respect,
- improvement of production methods, means of production and control and measurement equipment,
- cooperation with suppliers meeting quality requirements,
- assessment of customer needs and expectations,
- delivery of products always compliant with the specification agreed with the recipient,
- continuous improvement of the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System.
The established, accepted and communicated Quality Policy obliges all employees to consciously implement the assumed goals
and quality tasks, meet the requirements and continuously improve the Quality Management System.
Duszniki, 09.02.2021
Edition 1
Approved by the President of the Management Board